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Brainstorm how-to: the wall of ideas

5 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media Manager

Reason #1: Not enough time on your hands

As solopreneurs, we do not have much extra time to be focusing on things we aren’t good at or aren’t directly bringing us in money. A social media manager will take all of the work out of it by providing you with complete management of your chosen profiles so you can focus on what you love.

Reason #2: You don’t understand social media

So you understand the importance of social media but you aren’t sure how to make it work for you and your business…then you should definitely consider hiring it out. Social media has the potential to bring you targeted customers who were not on your radar previously and a social media manager has the tools it takes to bring in those clients and help you start building your engagement today.

Reason #3 You want to increase your engagement

If you’re currently doing all the things you think you need to on your social media channels but your engagement is still lacking then it may be time to invest in a social media manager. A social media manager/strategist knows the best ways to increase engagement and get your audience talking about your offerings.

Reason #4 You’re lacking a true social media strategy

If you’re just posting sporadically and flying by the seat of your pants, then you may need the help of a social media manager. On social media, consistency is key so you can’t be posting all willy nilly and expect the followers, likes, and comments to just roll in because it’s just not going to happen.

Reason #5 You no longer enjoy it

Did you once enjoy managing your own social media channels but now it is just another thing to check off your ever-growing to-do list? Then it might be time for you to take on a social media manager. Doing something that feels like a chore and doesn’t generate a lot of profit for your business is unnecessary when you can have someone who is knowledgeable to do it for you.

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